Hey NIC,
I was just monkeying around with my blasters and blaster-parts, and I came to a revelation: the pump-grip on the Alpha Trooper/Elite Alpha Trooper is extremely uncomfortable.
If you think you've already read this on NerfHaven, you probably have.
If not, I'll show you after the big drop.
OK, what did I do to my EAT?
Quite simple: I took the pump-grip from a LongShot front-gun and duct-taped it on.
Crude? Yes.
Ugly? Maybe.
Comfortable? Extremely!
Good idea? Definitely!
I'm not sure if this really qualifies as a modification, since I'm just duct-taping spare parts onto my blaster.
What do you think? Good? Bad? Ugly?
Maniacal Coyote
Nothin' Foam
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