
Why, Hascorp, why?

In life, people make mistakes. Usually, they learn from their mistakes, but sometimes people repeat the same mistake over and over.
Apparently, Hascorp hasn't learned from its mistakes: they've resurrected that oh-so-brilliant idea of a blaster that compacts down into a storage mode.

More after the big drop.

Do you remember this fail? (Pic courtesy of Nerf Wikia)

Today, we are looking at a new compactable failgun, the Rebelle "Secret Shot". Boo.
(Pix courtesy of Rob @ SBNC)

Yeah, it's a Deploy minus the clip.

But wait! There's more! (Compound pic courtesy of Prop Weapons Co-op)

Ok, it appears to be primed with a pump-grip in the front, just like the Deploy. But this blaster swings open, instead of telescoping out like the Deploy. This means there is less room for a decent-sized grip.

Did I say "less room" there? I meant "abso****inlutely no room". Heck, the Secret Strike has a bigger grip than this!

Anywho, this appears to be a sub-compact direct plunger blaster with a 4-barrelled "Smart AR" muzzle. That means the mod potential is super-low.

And speaking of super-low, the super-low distance the priming handle moves means that this will just barely reach the Elite Threshold (75 ft) on an arc shot. Or maybe there is a hellaciously O.P. spring in there that will make it impossible for the target audience (young girls) to use. Either way, at least one group loses out.

Dinky grips, cheesy style, cruddy ranges. The bottom line is, unless you are a LEGO minifig, this isn't the blaster for you.

To tell the truth though, it looks pretty cool, like a Metal Storm SMG. If I wound up with one of these, I'd give it bigger grips, add some cool light FX, and paint it an awesome skin. OK for a 22nd Century Combat costume, but nothing else.


Maniacal Coyote
Nothin' Foam

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