
If Only: Spartan NCS-12

Do any of you remember the old N-Strike series of video games for the Nintendo Wii? If you do, raise your hand. If you remember this battle rifle, keep your hands raised. For those of you who don't have your hand still raised, or have forgotten about this beast, the Spartan NCS-12 was a 3-round burst blaster in the N-Strike games.

Anyway, I have taken the liberty of indicating where much of the stuff would go if this was real. (If this was the “Secret Mystery Blaster” whose slot was empty that UK Nerf was speculating about.

This really should have 4 rails, or 5 if the top one has two accessory teeth attached. The “Fire mode selector would be more of an “on/off” switch, like on the Stampede. This is pretty much a cross between the Vulcan (bolt action/full-auto) and the Stampede (Box-fed epicness).

3-round burst is just too hard, especially with the video games' ROF of 9.1 darts/second. Full auto with 6 darts/second seems more reasonable, and fun. Hey, they could make the selector “Off/Semi/Full”, with “Off” indicating manual, not “safe” like most rifles have.

The OJ-Strike paint-job would look fine on this, the NSE-Blue would look good, the Stinger Yellow would look good, the Mega Red would look good, any color scheme.

Maniacal Coyote
Nothin' Foam

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