
What just happened?

I was doing my rounds, like any good blogger should do, and something caught my eye.  There are not one, but two upgraded Stryfes coming out this Fall (2014).
This new one is called the "Cam ECS-12", and its only major feature is a built-in camera.

It seems like a cross between the Stryfe and the Stampede, with the flywheel aspects of the former and the general outline of the latter.  The camera can also be used as an optic sight, but the resolution isn't the greatest appearantly.

Still, this is only semi-auto, so unless you are el twitcho, you're not going to get great ROF out of this, and being a Nerf blaster, the range won't be very good.  Still, this looks pretty good, but uber expensive at $75.  This is definitely not something you can trash without feeling bad, because of the price tag.

I'm hoping that Hasbro will drop this to something reasonable, like $30, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

Maniacal Coyote
Nothin' Foam

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